Message from the Director of RIGST

The impact of global environmental degradation and global warming have different effects in different regions, however, the potential damage to the living organisms is universal. To overcome these issues, scientific and technological innovations with a global perspective that can be applied anywhere in the world are required. To achieve these objectives, interdisciplinary approaches that integrate cutting-edge research in different research areas are indispensable. Our institute was established in April 2013 as a forward-thinking organization with the aim of developing knowledge-intensive green science and technology enabling us to handle such serious social and environmental changes.
We announced the launch of a new research core in April 2022 (Molecular Green Technology (MG-Tech), Molecular and Biological Function research core (MB-F research core), Plant Stress Management (PS-Mgt), Plant Genomics, Field Informatics, Supramolecule/Self-Assembly, Renewable Energy), which will evolve and deepen the previously existing three research divisions of Green Energy, Green Biotechnology, and Green Chemistry. The Instrumental Research Support Office will provide the technical support. The research fellows and young priority researchers of Shizuoka University (SU) who are members of each research core are engaged in world-leading basic and advanced research, and we intend to fulfill our responsibility to society through domestic and international joint research and active collaboration with local governments. We also envision working in unison with the Graduate School of Science and Technology of SU to educate highly-skilled engineers and talented researchers. Under the SU's philosophy of "Freedom and Enlightenment & Creation of the Future," all members will work together to lead the innovative research in green science and technology to assist the environment and life.
Introduction of this institute
The Research Institute of Green Science and Technology at Shizuoka University creates new science and technology in the fields of environment, energy, biotechnology, and chemistry for the regeneration and utilization of earth resources and energy, and for the realization of a sustainable and low-carbon society based on symbiosis with nature. The Institute promotes green innovation focusing on applications from the basic to the advanced.
The Institute has seven research cores. Each research core conducts research based on its own mission. Although individual research groups and cores differ in their approaches, their research is intricately connected to each other. By consolidating and integrating the results of their respective research, we aim to lead humanity and society toward solutions to the various issues we are currently facing.
1) Technology transfer for resource and energy production and the low-carbon society through green science and technology, human resource education for globally advanced researchers and engineers.
2) Global environment and symbiosis with ecosystem conservation and natural systems. Recycling and utilization of available natural resources. Natural energy and low-carbon society. Establishment of evaluation methods for social impacts in the application of these developing green science and technology.
3) Realizing a safe and secure society in an aging and high-welfare society by utilizing the molecular recognition function of living organisms. Realization of a recycling-oriented society based on renewable resources and energy.