Shizuoka University Research Institute of Green Science and Technology

Research Activities


The 3rd SU-CNU Joint Symposium Report

The 3rd SU-CNU Joint Symposium Report

On Friday, July 26, 2024, the Research Institute of Green Science and Technology at Shizuoka University, in collaboration with Chungnam National University (CNU) of South Korea, hosted "The 3rd SU-CNU Joint Symposium" at the S-Port Conference Room on the Hamamatsu campus. This symposium, now in its third year, began in FY 2021 as part of an inter-university agreement between Shizuoka University and CNU. This year, we welcomed seven speakers from CNU's Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry department, with a total of 71 faculty members and students participating.

The symposium opened with a welcome address by Nobuyuki MASE, Director of the RIGST, who highlighted the history of exchanges between Shizuoka University and CNU.

The keynote address was delivered by Professor Enoch Y. PARK  from our Faculty of Agriculture, who presented his research on virus detection using electrochemical biosensors with disposable electrodes, titled "Challenge of Practical On-site Virus Detection."

Throughout the symposium, a total of 13 speakers from both universities presented their research findings and discussed various challenges. The discussions were particularly lively, with numerous questions from students, so much so that we felt there was not enough time.

During breaks and the reception, participants actively exchanged information, significantly strengthening the ties between the two universities.

This symposium provided a valuable opportunity for researchers and students from both universities to deepen their exchanges and laid the foundation for future joint research. We look forward to further development in the future. Despite the extreme heat in Hamamatsu over the three days leading up to the event, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the researchers from CNU who attended and the staff members who supported the symposium.

For more details about the symposium, please click here.