ICGST2023 講演・ポスターセッション
Plenary Lectures
Prof. Enoch Y. Park
"Silkworm Biofactory as a potential protein expression system and its possibility"
Invited Lectures
・Prof. Mitsuru Kondo
"Removal and detection of perchlorate ion in aqueous solutions using cage compounds"
・Assoc. Prof. Takashi Ikka
"Genomic predictions and genome-wide association studies of quality-related metabolites for the genomic breeding in tea plants"
Invited Young Speakers
Assoc. Prof. Akihiko Nakamura
"Development and Characterization of Highly Heat Tolerant and Highly Active Plastic Degrading Enzymes"
・Hijiri Kishikawa "Structure-activity relationship study of tetrahydrocarbazole derivatives inhibiting HCV particle formation"
・Arbin Sunuwar "The molecular interaction between Zoysia grass (Zoysia japonica) and fairy ring-forming fungi"
・Kanoko Watanabe "Coloric detection of perchlorate ion in aqueous solution using cage compounds with dye"
・Kazutoshi Kawahara "Identification of Anti-HBV Peptide Inhibitors Derived from HBV Core Protein"
・Krishna Raja Muthuraman "Immunological Evaluation of Monovalent Capsid Virus-Like Particle Displayed Envelope Domain III (EDIII) of Dengue Serotype 2 using Silkworm" Larvae
・Yoshiki Ishiguro "Genetic structure analysis of 2500 tea germplasm in Shizuoka, Japan"
・Natsuki Tone "Investigation of theanine biosynthetic potential by tea genetic resources"
・Nobuhiro Takahashi "Production of useful organic acid by Rhodococcus qingshengii A3-8 under chemolithotroph conditions"
・Tomoki Sugimura "Green Manufacturing: Organic Synthesis Based on Conditional Optimization of Pseudo-Steady Flow Method"
・Kyosuke Kawashima "Extracellular electron transfer mechanism of sulfate-reduing bacteria Cupidesulfovibrio sp. HK-II"
・Yoshihito Hashino "Development of polyethylene terephthalate binding protein Development of polyethylene terephthalate binding protein using the chitin-binding domein from Pyrococcus furiosus by phage display method"
- 自分の研究の新知見を面白く伝えることができなかった。
- 質問者の英語をうまく聞き取ることができず,十分な議論ができなかったため.
- 相手に自分の伝えたい内容が十分に伝わっていなかった場面が多かった、また相手の質問に対して正確に答えられなかったから。
- 発表後審査してくださった先生とお話したときに、車の音で聞き取れない部分があったと言っていたため。また、いただいた質問に対して、うまく答えることができなかった部分があると感じたため。